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Operation Homefront

Welcome back to the AmeriWorks blog! In this post we’re going to cover how donations to AmeriWorks can help local veterans and military families in our surrounding community. Your donations matter!

Imagine yourself as a young military spouse in a new city far from family and friends. You recently married your best friend, and accepted the fact that deployments and military responsibilities were going to become an everyday part of life when you both said ‘I do’.

In the short time between moving to this new city, your spouse has been called away to fulfill their duty overseas. Now the responsibility lies with you to turn your apartment into a home, as well as take care of the home front while they are deployed.

It’s hard work being on your own, but on top of everything that you have on your plate, you realize that during the move household goods like your microwave, dishes, cups and kitchen table/chairs were accidentally broken, and your clothing was waterlogged in transit.

You’re not in the financial position to be able to run out to the store and buy new things due to the deposit you had to put down on the apartment, as well as all of the other costs related to the move. You begin to worry because you know no one in this city, and family and friends are all located many states away.

This is where AmeriWorks can step into help.

AmeriWorks partners with charitable organizations such as STEP (Support the Enlisted Project), an organization that specializes in helping active service members or veterans in need. By using donations from individual and corporate donors, AmeriWorks has contracted with Band of Hands to provide credits on their mobile app so that charities such as STEP can creates job opportunities that not only benefit their organization but also gives those in need the opportunity to make extra money today.

In our example, the military spouse could have the opportunity to receive extra income by taking a job posted by STEP using AmeriWorks credits on their Band of Hands account. The job can be to give STEP some temporary office help, make phone calls to their member base, or even to pick up and deliver material good donations to STEP.

“STEP collaborates with AmeriWorks and Band of Hands to hire drivers to pick up donations and deliver them to our warehouse,” said STEP Events Manager, Rachel Henderson.

“AmeriWorks has funded a lot of our drivers, and this last year we had just over 700 families come into our warehouse to gather in-kind goods such as clothing, diapers and household goods. It has really helped ramp up our warehouse visits, and we are able to help out that many more families throughout the year.”

This military spouse could be a paid worker for STEP by using the AmeriWorks donations applied to the Band of Hands app as well as receive material goods to help in their predicament. This is just one example of how AmeriWorks collaborates with other non-profit organizations.

AmeriWorks helps create gigs to help not only one person or organization; it helps many. From the driver's hired through Band of Hands to pick up and drop off donations, to nonprofits being able to reach out and help more people, your donations go further with Ameriworks.


© 2017 by AmeriWorks is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. 

FEIN: 81-3884972

Find us: 

9320 Chesapeake Dr. #101

San Diego, CA. 92123

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